Height: 5’6
Weight: Competition: 128. Regularly: 138
Age: 23
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Lifting stats: Any you would like to share? I’m awful at remembering these. The one I’m most proud of is my 1RM leg press – 500lbs.
Greatest accomplishment from lifting and/or fitness in general?Being able to use my knowledge and love of fitness to help me in one of my jobs as a trainer for cancer survivors (Livestrong at the YMCA) and also recently competing in my first fitness competition.
Favorite exercise to do in the gym? Anything working my ham/Glutes. That’s my “problem area” I am trying to hit those workouts even harder lately.
Favorite exercise to do in the gym? Anything working my ham/Glutes. That’s my “problem area” I am trying to hit those workouts even harder lately.
Ever have guys challenge you in any sports, arm wrestling or wrestling? All the time! Haha. One time I had a few guys doubt that I could leg press 480 so I shut their mouth really fast when I went and pressed 500.
Anything you would like to add or tell your fans? Fans?That’s weird to think of, me having fans. Buuuut I would like to say to whoever is reading this that anyone can get in the best shape of their life. You just need to put forth the effort and realize that you’re worth all the hardwork.
Social Media (Twitter, Facebook etc.) or Website: Twitter : @Samantha_red
Facebook : www.facebook.com/Samantha.stewart.129142
Facebook : www.facebook.com/Samantha.stewart.129142