Suzy Sieloff Fitnes Profile

Name:  Suzy Sieloff
Height:  5-0
Weight:  108
Age:  49 (50 in September)
Lifting stats: 
Squats:  155 x 10 reps x 5 sets
Preacher curls:  60 lbs x 8 reps x 5 sets
Unassisted tricep dips:  15 x 5 sets
Dumbbell bench rows:  50lbs x 10 reps x 5 sets
Greatest accomplishment:  Just competed in my first bodybuilding competition on June 23, 2012  The Adela Garcia NPC in Austin, Texas at age 49.  
First stepped in the gym on April 1st 2008 at 160 lbs.  Began with only cardio, eventually venturing out to the circuit machines and finally the free weight section which is where I found my passion!  I love the time I spend in the gym and consider it an investment as valuable as my 401K.  Alcohol had become a very big part of my life over the past several years.  High blood pressure also became an issue which I believe was directly related to the alcohol.  In January 2012 I committed to the June competition.  I knew that if I made the commitment..(especially publicly on facebook ) that I would have to start living clean which meant giving up alcohol.  I haven’t had a drink since January 15th and I’ve never felt better.  My blood pressure has gone from 150s/90s to 110s/60s.  My pulse has gone from consistently in the 90s to the low 60s.  I sleep better, I wake up refreshed and my workouts are followed by protein shakes instead of a cold beer.  My husband and I still go out and have fun dancing, clubbing, and living like we’re 20 somethings.  I just don’t need the alcohol to loosen up anymore.  I’m living high on energy and life. I haven’t actually challenged any men to an arm wrestling competition, but I know for sure it’s definitely in my future!
Future plans:  The Dorian Yates competition in Austin in August 
Greatest Rush:  Being referred to as a bodybuilder!
Greatest Supporter:  My husband who has been my biggest supporter, motivator, workout partner and fan.


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